Geometrica Tattoo App is the first drawing app made for tattooers by a tattooer!
After drawing all his geometric designs completely by hand for years, Cory Ferguson was beyond excited when the first drawing tablet became available on the market. As the years went on and technology evolved — Cory continued right along with it — using app after app and not being able to find exactly what he needed, he decided to create his own.
Geometrica is full of innovative features and tools specific to working in the tattoo industry. We got straight to the point by eliminating features that are of no use to tattooers and focusing on ones we need — many of which have never existed before. Version 1 of Geometrica is just the beginning, and as we grow, we strive to include the wants and needs of the tattoo artist community, regardless of the style you work in.
Please send us your feedback and suggestions; if there are features you would like to see in our drawing app, please let us know. If your request is possible — we’ll do our best to add it!
The Creator:
Cory Ferguson is a world renowned artist located in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. He changed the North American way of tattooing by being the first tattoo artist on the continent to work in the styles of geometric and pointillism. Cory has won many awards and has been featured in magazines around the world for his phenomenal and creative ways of tattooing.
Cory Ferguson can be found in person on the tattoo convention circuit and on Instagram @coryferguson.
A message from Cory: “As tattooers, we are a tight knit community of people who not only love what we do, but we live it 24/7. To us, tattooing is not a job so much as it is a lifestyle. More often than not, because of this intense dedication to our craft, most of us prefer to do business with companies run by other tattooers whenever possible. We support people who love and support the tattoo community. If we are mindful to buy our tattoo machines and professional supplies from our respected peers, why should our drawing software be any different? Here in 2020, the iPad Pro has become vital for many tattoo artists as their "go-to" drawing tool. Sketching, planning and rendering designs for clients all take place on drawing apps, but none of these were ever created with the tattoo artist in mind. As a 20 year tattooer and pioneer of the geometric tattoo style, I was designing and tattooing repetitive patterns long before digital drawing had made its way into our industry. Back then if we wanted intricate geometric designs in our work we had to find them in books, but suddenly the iPad gave us the ability to create our own mandalas and patterns with extreme efficiency. So what makes Geometrica so great, you ask? Let's start with one of the basic functions - drawing mandalas. Some of the most popular apps that offer this function limit the number to a maximum of 8 mirrored segments (16 total). No more than 8 sided mandalas? We say that's weak! Creating mandalas is a big part of how I make my living these days and those limitations were just unacceptable, I had to make something better than that. Our mandala tool goes up to 200 mirrored segments (for a total of 400)! Geometrica is designed to be extremely user friendly - simplicity and easy access to prime features was a priority from day one and throughout its entire creation. We're tattoo artists and we have tattoos to make! We don't have time to learn new finger gesture combinations for every tool and go on a treasure hunt of menus to find features. Our signature symmetry tools are front and center on the toolbar and everything else is exactly where you expect them to be - in the familiar upper left menus. Geometrica is also packed with efficiency short cuts. For example hold a long press on all icons to activate tools without ever opening a menu, or to quickly switch back and forth between current and previous tools used (like marker/eraser for example). As a constant traveller myself, I have personally experienced having a drawing tablet die on me in the middle of a trip. All of my designs were in there - talk about panic! We tattooers do a lot of our work while travelling, so I made sure Geometrica had a built in safe guard against this type of disaster. Each image in your gallery can quickly be stored to your iCloud, with a visible icon to tell you which ones are in the cloud and which ones aren't. So, should the unthinkable happen and your iPad gets lost, stolen or broken - simply log into your iCloud on another iPad or computer and you're off and running with all your artwork back. This app has many of the professional drawing tools you've come to expect like transform, importing images, straight line and circle rulers, and the ability to work in layers. The real magic of Geometrica though is the ability to stack our unique tools and use them simultaneously with each other. These features combine to make Geometrica one incredible app; it is a drawing experience like you've never had before. Our crew of beta testers consisted of some of my favourite tattooers from all over the globe and they all absolutely love designing on Geometrica. Most of the tattoos I have done in the past four years have been designed wholly or in part on Geometrica, as were several of my brush set/e-book products for ”
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